Monday, November 25, 2013

Japanese Piano Trio plays Mozart, Mendelssohn and Dvorak


Waiting list only

Saturday, 28th December 2013, 5pm 

Naoko Kato, piano 
Mamiko Funutsu, violin
Yukihisa Nakagawa, cello

Mozart, Piano Trio in G major K. 564
Mendelssohn Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor op. 49
Dvorak Piano Trio No. 3 in F minor op. 65

The program begins with the sixth and last of Mozart's piano trios. This is a perfectly crafted work, deemed 'late Mozart' although written when the composer was only 32. The Mendelssohn Trio needs little introduction. It is one of the most popular works for piano trio.

The Dvorak Trio is less well known. But this superb trio is one of Dvorak's most brilliant chamber works. According to 20th century musicologist,  Hans-Hubert Schönzeler, “There is hardly another work in Dvořák’s output so sorrowful, somber and poignant. It must rank among the greatest of his chamber music compositions.” I would add that the Trio is far more than "sorrowful and somber". The strident march in the first movement is heroic, as is the scherzo in the second movement. The rondo is lively, sweet and rhapsodic. Indeed this is one of the finest piano trios in the piano trio repertoire. The chance to hear this great work would, alone, be reason to drop everything and come to this recital.

The musicians

We are fortunate to have three fine, Japanese, musicians to perform on the 28th: 

Naoko Kato, piano is a graduate of Musashino Academia Musicae in Japan and Chicago Musical College, one of the oldest conservatories in the US. She lives in Bangkok where she teaches music and performs for the Bangkok Opera and has appeared as a guest pianist for the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra. Ms Kato performs frequently as an accompanist both for chamber music and song recitals.

Mamiko Funatsu, violin, studied with Leon Speiler, a former concertmaster of the Berlin Philharmonic under Karajan. She has performed extensively in Japan, both as a concerto soloist, an orchestra member of seven Japanese orchestras and string ensembles, and as a member of a string quartet.

Yukihisa Nakagawa, cello, is a member of the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra and the Nova Siam String Quartet. He has performed with numerous orchestras throughout Asia, such as the Hiroshima and Osaka Symphony Orchestras and the Malaysian National Symphony Orchestra. He has toured with the Bangkok Pro Musica in London, The Hague, Brussels and Berlin.

Tickets: 1,200 baht, limited to 20 places only.  If you are interested don't delay. All previous events have sold out within a few days of announcement.

Reservation: Email or call 038 069681 (during office hours or 0818 205 202). Due to limited number of places payment must be received before the day.



船津 真美子(バイオリン)
静岡・沼津市芸術祭出演。これまでに、ヴァイオリンをグレゴール・ブーロ、里屋智佳子、小谷公子、木野雅之の各氏に、室内楽を林俊昭、林由香子の両氏に師事。ベルリンにてベルリンフィル・元コンサートマスターのレオン・シュピーラー氏に、旭川ウィーン国際弦楽セミナーにてM.フリッシェンシュラガー氏にレッスンを受ける。 地元の大阪・箕面市民オーケストラでは、約10年間コンサートミストレスを務めた。ソロや室内楽、日本各地の主要オーケストラで演奏。日本演奏連盟会員。
中川 幸尚 (チェロ)

15歳でチェロをはじめる。チェロを林俊昭氏(当時大阪フィルハーモニー交響楽団首席チェロ奏者)に師事。また室内楽をDUO HAYASHIに師事する。1996年、アジア・ユース・オーケストラのオーディションに合格、アジアの主要都市でのコンサートに参加。また同オーケストラの選抜メンバーによるアジア・ユース・チェンバーオーケストラのメンバーに選ばれバンコク、大阪でのコンサートに出演。これまで、客演首席チェリストとしてバンコク交響楽団、ガラヤニ・ワタナ・インスティチュート管弦楽団(タイ)、グアム・シンフォニー・ソサエティー(アメリカ)、ヌサンタラ交響楽団(インドネシア)、アンサンブル神戸に招待される他、広島交響楽団、大阪シンフォニカー(現大阪交響楽団)、宝塚歌劇場管弦楽団、東京シティー・フィルハーモニック管弦楽団、セントラル愛知交響楽団、アジア室内管弦楽団、マレーシア国立交響楽団、マカオ管弦楽団等のオーケストラに客演。2012年にはバンコク・プロ・ムジカのメンバーとしてロンドン、ハーグ、ブリュッセル、ベルリンでコンサートを行う。これまでにチェロを林俊昭氏の他、クリストフ・ヘンケル、トビアス・キューネ、クラウス・シュトルクに師事、室内楽においてクラウス・シュトルク、澤和樹、岡山潔、森田玲子諸氏の指導を受ける。これまで、大阪芸術大学非常勤助手、大阪音楽大学オーケストラ要因、マヒドン大学(タイ)およびシラパコーン大学(タイ)音楽学部講師を歴任。現在はタイ国立ブラパ大学芸術学部講師。また現在バンコク交響楽団首席メンバー、ノヴァ・サイアム弦楽四重奏団、アーティスト・アンサンブル・バンコクのメンバーとして活動。チャリティーコンサート「がんばれ日本」主催
加藤 尚子(ピアノ)
武蔵野高等学校音楽科、武蔵野音楽大学ピアノ科卒業。同年5月 練馬区新人演奏会、9月 三重県新人演奏会に出演。在学中、杵淵茂登子氏に師事。1994年、アメリカのシカゴ音楽大学大学院へ留学。シャロン・ロジャース、パウウェル・ヘチンスキー・ルードミル・ラザールの各氏に師事。在籍中、シカゴ音楽大学、バッハ財団、モントローズ・クリスチャン教会基金、古典音楽「アルス・ノバ」、その他より奨学金を多数受賞。この頃より、伴奏家・室内楽奏者として活動を初め、バリトン歌手アンドリュー・シューツ氏の専属ピアニストとなる。1996年、シカゴにてデビューリサイタルを成功に収め、同年よりシカゴ混声合唱団の伴奏者、シカゴ・シビックオーケストラの鍵盤楽器奏者(1996-1998年)となる。1997年、マーティン・キャッツ氏を始め、多くのマスタークラスを受講。
1999年、渡タイ。翌年2000年には、バンコク・オペラ、バンコク・コミュニティー・シアター、バンコク・ユナイテッドアーティストの専属ピアニスト、そして、バンコク混声合唱団、バンコク・シンフォニー・オーケストラ、チュラロンコーン大学のゲストピアニストとなるかたわら、多くのアーティストと共演。2001年には「老嬢と泥棒」で指揮者兼ピアニストとなる。また、バンコクオペラによる第1回声楽コンクールの専属ピアニストに抜擢される。ミュージカルの分野でも専属ピアニストを務め、主な作品として「Guys & Dolls」「HONK!」「ウェストサイドストーリー」「シカゴ」「アニー」などが挙げられる。さらに、タイ王室のためのコンサートを始め、Maria Radicheva(ジュリアード音楽院)、 渡邊篤子氏(パリ音楽院)、Geertje Podevyn(Limburgs Symfonie Orkest) と共演。2006年、三重フィルハーモニック交響楽団とコンチェルトを共演。2007年には、日タイ修好120周年記念コンサートにてピアニストを務め、両国間の友好に貢献。2011年の東日本大震災直後からタイで行われているチャリティーコンサート「がんばれ日本」にも出演。
現在、Peterson Music Schoolで後進の指導に力を入れるかたわら、ソリスト・伴奏家・室内楽奏者として演奏活動にも力を入れ、タイ、日本を中心に活躍中。

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Piano, Violin and Cello Recital at the Music Room, Eelswamp

Violin, Cello and Piano Recital at Eelswamp, Pattaya

Sold out!

 Wednesday 4th December 2013, 6pm 

Ilan Rechtman, piano
BSO concertmaster Siripong Tiptan, violin and 
BSO assistant principal cellist Apichai Leamthong, cello

Visiting Israeli pianist, Ilan Rechtman

Concertmaster of the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra, Siripong Tiptan

Assistant principal cello of the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra, Apichai Leamthong

Beethoven: Violin Sonata no. 8 in G major
Brahms: Cello Sonata no. 1 in E minor
Mendelssohn: Trio no. 1 in D minor
Rechtman: Jazzicles

The program begins with one of Beethoven's lesser known, but nonetheless brilliant, sonatas, no. 8 in G major, opus 30 no.3. This is a charming and cheerful sonata in three movements. It is followed by one of Brahms's great masterpieces, the first Cello Sonata in E minor with its profoundly beautiful first movement, playful minuet and a robust finale based on Bach's Art of Fugue. After intermission the three musicians will perform Mendelssohn's Trio in D minor which is one of the most popular works for piano trio and is representative of the high romantic period. After the trio, we will be treated to a performance of Ilan Rechtman's "Jazzicles".

Ilan Rechtman is an Israeli pianist and composer. He performs frequently with the Israel Philharmonic and the Isreal Camerata and has performed overseas with orchestras such as the London Symphony Orchestra and the New World Symphony Orchestra. He has performed in all of the main centers in New York: Carnegie Hall, the 92nd Street Y, Town Hall, Avery Fisher and Alice Tully Halls.

Siripongse Tiptan, violin: After graduating from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Siripong was awarded the HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana Scholarship to study his Master degree with Prof. Katherine Lucktenberg at the University of Oregon. He is Head of Strings at the Conservatory of Music at Rangsit University and is concertmaster (principal violin) of the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra.

Apichai Leamthong, cello is Director of Undergraduate Studies at Rangsit Conservatory and Assistant Principal Cello of the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra. He studied cello in Hong Kong and London under teachers such as Rafael Wallfisch and Andrew Healy. He has played with the Guildhall String Quartet and is a founding member of the Bangkok String Quartet.

Tickets: 1,200 baht, limited to 20 places only.  If you are interested don't delay. All previous events have sold out within a few days of announcement.

Reservation: Email or call 038 069681 (during office hours or 0818 205 202). Due to limited number of places payment must be received before the day.

This performance is endorsed by the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Italian maestro plays Franz Liszt's Twelve Transcendental Etudes at Eelswamp

Piano Recital at Eelswamp, Pattaya

Sold out - waiting list only

Tuesday 26th November 2013, 6pm 

Maestro Pierpaolo Levi

In a Program of the 12 Transcendental Etudes of Franz Liszt

Pierpaolo Levi is an Italian pianist who specializes in the music of Franz Liszt. In 1989 he won first prize in the International Masters Competition, dedicated to Liszt and organized by one of the greatest Liszt exponents of the 20th century, Georges Cziffra. Two years later he won first prize in the Rendano Competition in Rome. 

His many concert tours have taken Maestro Levi all over Europe where he has performed the complete series of Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodies which were recorded by RAI Radio Italia.

Maestro Levi is a frequent visitor to Thailand. In 2011 he performed the Transcendental Etudes in the Cultural Center in Bangkok, finishing with a brilliant performance of Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 as an encore. Here is a video of the Rhapsody.

Liszt's 12 Transcendental Etudes are one of the composer's most substantial sets of piano works. He began working on the etudes at the age of 15, revising and embellishing them several times before their final publication twenty five years later in 1852. The Transcendental Etudes cover every range of emotion from the flamboyant to the sentimental to the heroic to the romantic. Hearing a performance by a Liszt expert, such as Maestro Levi, would be a memorable event for all lovers of piano music. 

Tickets: 1,000 baht, limited to 20 places only.  
Don't delay. Tickets for the last event sold out within a few days.
Reservation: Email or call 038 069681 (during office hours or 0818 205 202). Due to limited number of places payment must be received before the day.
*Remaining tickets calculated at the time of publication and may not be accurate by the time you read this post.